This week, I have the honor of presenting a paper at the Archiving 2010 conference in Den Hague. I will be presenting original theories outlining data validationin practical image workflows. Specifically, the paper outlines the use of the DNG file format as a tool to protect the integrity of an image collection throughout the lifecycle of the image. It has been chosen as a focal paper for the conference, giving me a half hour to make an additional visual presentation before this very impressive group.
The paper, and my attendance at the conference has been made possible by ASMP and the dpBestflow project – thanks to both. (More info after the jump)
I made a presentation at last year’s conference on the camera scanning technique (paper here). Once again, after the conference we’ll put the paper online for anyone to read. I’ll also make a video of my presentation available once I get back to the states. Keep in mind that it’s geared more to an audience of data managers and archivists than to photographers.
The IS&T Archiving conferences gather some of the best minds in imaging from corporations, academia and cultural heritage institutions worldwide. If you want to get a glimpse of the kind of people who present here and the level of their techno-geekery, have a look at the conference program (I speak Thursday afternoon).
Den Haag is a lovely city, with the Netherland’s classic laid-back charm and rich multi-cultural mix. It’s a nice alternative to Amsterdam, with fewer tourist euro-trekker weed tourists, but a similar welcoming, matter-of-fact spirit.
During this trip, I’ll get a chance to meet Hertwig van Zwietering, the author of the excellent IDimager program. After that, it’s on to Copenhagen where I stay with my friends Jens and Dodo, and meet with Phase One on Monday. On Tuesday, I’m off to Dublin to sit on a panel at the CEPIC conference. (This could be an interesting one, folks, since one of the topics will be Google books, with Google in attendance. Since I’m being sponsored by ASMP, which has just filed suit against Google books, we’ll have the possibility of an interesting exchange.)
After that, it will be time to head back home and get this year’s bench picture done before all the cousins scatter to the four winds.