There are 2 slots left for my program on digital asset management at FotoCare in New York Wednesday. Here’s what I’m doing:
Tuesday afternoon, I’ll be doing a 2 hour presentation – this is entirely full (but room would be available for anyone signing up for the Wednesday program). On Wednesday, I’ll be doing an all-day program, as described below. The day-long program costs $200, and includes attendance at both. Call 212-741-2990 to reserve your spot.
Details after the jump
Afternoon Presentation – DAM for the Digital Photographer
Some people think of Digital Asset Management (DAM) as an exercise in keywording or image archiving. In truth, it’s much larger than that. DAM is about workflow, and how all the part of the digital photography ecosystem fit together. Understanding the principles of digital asset management save you time, increase the value of your images, and add security to your image collection.
This fast-paced lecture presents an overview of the most important DAM concepts, and how you can make use of them in your daily workflow. Learn how to analyze the components of your workflow, and make the best use of your own time.
This lecture will also introduce you to the important concepts behind the new Library of Congress-funded project. See how to make use of this extensive and free resource to improve all aspects of your digital photography workflow.
Day-long DAM Workshop
The day-long workshop will build on the previous afternoon presentation, delving deeper into each subject, and offering the opportunity to ask specific questions about your own asset management challenges and bottlenecks. In particular we’ll look at the following topics:
• Use of Catalog software
• Hardware configurations
• File Management components
• Creating secure backups
• Non-destructive imaging
• Handling derivative files
• Data Validation
and more