NDSA Individual Innovation Award

I just received the Individual Innovation Award from the Library of Congress’s NDSA. The National Digital Stewardship Alliance is dedicated to the preservation of our nation’s digital cultural heritage.  The group is an outgrowth of the NDIPP, which was another research program from the Library of Congress.

NDIIPP funded the dpBestflow project, among many other high-profile research and preservation projects.

I’m receiving the award for the work I’ve been doing in the industry, including The DAM Book, dpBestflow, Shutha.org, as well as other research, outreach and education efforts over the last decade. It’s a high honor for me to get this award, and I’m humbled to be recognized by this group.

I’d like to take the opportunity to send out some thanks.

dpBestflow: To Richard Anderson for his years of collaboration, to ASMP for financial support and providing a platform: to Dominique le Roux for editing, Richard Harrington for video content: Context for Drupal development, and NDIIPP/LOC for the original funding and support.

The DAM Book: to Colleen Wheeler for her great work as editor, to O’Reilly for publishing the book, and to Steve Weiss for taking a chance on me i the first place.

Shuta.org: World Press Photo for funding, Africa Media Online for distribution, DJ Clark, Dave Larsen, Dominique le Roux and Graeme Cookson for collaboration

In general: To my fellow photographers (particularly Yack ones): to Russell Brown, John Nack and Tom Hogarty (and others) at Adobe for letting me see behind the curtain: Shane Bowman, Yan Calotychos and the iView team,  to Josh Weisberg, Jeff Greene, Tim Grey and the others at Microsoft, Claus Mølgaard and Yan Christainsen at Phase One and so many more along the way.

And of course, thanks to my wonderful wife Alyson, and my entire family for love and support.