Some links about photography as language
SXSW-related blog posts
A lot of the research that informed the first chapter in The DAM Book 3.0 came out of SXSW. It’s been a place for me to hone and test drive theories, as well as a great place for research. Here is a link to the SXSW category in my blog. Readers of The DAM Book 3.0 will see a lot of familiar topics there.
Beyond Pixels Video
Another place that was important to the development of the Chapter 1 content was the Beyond Pixels Unfestival at Nordic Light in 2013. Here is a discussion featuring several of the people who participated.
25.04 4 Todays Spotlight-NLE h.264 from Nordic Light on Vimeo.
BoingBoing review of the book Unflattening by Nick Sousanis which argues for a more visual style of teaching and learning.
Wired Magazine interview with Martin Heiferman about his book Photography Changes Everything.
An essay on the Luminous Landscape by my late friend Michael Reichmann on speaking the language of photography.
Short essay on the blog site despotic by Lewis Bush on the language of photography.
Boingboing article on selfies from the 1920’s