Organizing Your Photos with Lightroom 5 is now available for iPad and Android tablet. Due to very popular demand, we’ve created an EPUB version of the book that will play on a tablet. (Kindle does not yet support embedded video, so we don’t have a Kindle version.)
The EPUB version will be free for anyone who buys the PDF, DVD or PRINT+DVD versions of Organizing Your Photos. Existing purchasers can request a special code for download. (Note that people who buy the EPUB version can also get a PDF version to play on computer.)
Why two versions, PDF and EPUB?
We need to have two electronic versions because there are no EPUB readers for computer that can play embedded videos, and no Tablet software that can play PDFs with embedded videos.
Some housekeeping notes
The EPUB version of the book is 1.8 GB, which is pretty big for a tablet. You may not have space on your tablet for such a big file.
We had to downsize the videos a bit to make them fit (1024 pixels across, vs. 1280 for the PDF version.) The videos in the PDF version are slightly larger, and they have less compression so they play a bit more smoothly.
If you buy the tablet version, you’ll want to first download it on your computer, and then move it to the tablet. For iPad, you open iTunes and drag the file to the iPad’s “Books” section. For Android, you’ll want to follow the directions in the EPUB reader of your choice.