Museums and other cultural heritage institutions have a mandate to preserve photos and make them accessible. There are some very nice camera-based solutions for institutions with staff, budget and a proper mandate. Here are some options.

Digital Transitions

This New York-based company builds some of the best scanning systems available. If you want the absolute best, and have a good budget, Digital Transitions is a great choice. (It’s a little bit like copystand porn, but in a nice way).

Tarsia Technical Industries

TTI also makes high-end copy systems that are worthy of the best collections of images. You can take a look at their equipment here.

Capture One CH

Along with special hardware for high-end copy work, there is also special software. Capture One has created a version specifically for image copying workflow, the Cultural Heritage version, or CH. Note that the software alone is $6000, so it’s not for everyone. More information on the Digital Transitions site.

Note: We welcome input from readers with direct experience using other solutions. Send us a note to to let us know of additional solutions to add to this page.